Friday, April 16, 2010


Okay. So. Apologies.

Actually, I would like to start with a tangent.
The internet is a wonderful thing. It has made information--facts and opinions--easily and cheaply accessible for almost anyone living in a developed country.

However, the internet, like any tool, has its definite downside.
For example, those facts and particularly opinions... are easily accessible, by pretty much everyone. Even when those 'facts' and opinions were recorded in the heat of frustration and/or indignant-ness. (no, "indignance" is not a word)
So. Now. Apologies. For real.

I am sorry that I posted something sorta mean and definitely awkward and unnecessary. I am sorry that I didn't think to delete the thing until this evening. And I am sorry that y'all had to sit through this apology.
