Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rantish. Young Adult Fiction.

I cannot read young adult fiction.
It is bad for me. You know why?

  1. It has awful writing in general that is wayyy below my standard/what I should be reading.
  2. The content is just not helpful. Seriously?
  3. All of the books have the same plot.
  4. They are either about teens who have magical powers and/or enemies with magical powers, or they are about teens with "average" lives but absolutely ridiculous circumstances.
  5. An AP Lit student reading the majority of YA Fiction is like a vegetarian eating this.
  6. Every time I try to read YA Fiction, I end up wondering why my life is not like the protagonist's.
  7. Why I don't have my Cinderella moment.
  8. Why I don't have a boyfriend.
  9. Why I don't show up to a social event, looking way too pretty for my own good despite not spending any time at all on my hair.
  10. Why; halfway through the night when I am depressed, alone, and not expecting it; that one guy who is way out of my league doesn't come up to me and confess his love to me.

Honestly? My life is not like that.
Honestly? I don't think I want my life to be like that. Can you imagine the pressure?
Especially if you are busy having your Cinderella moment whilst trying to deal with wings growing out of your knees and an evil arch-nemesis with super-X-ray-laser-4D vision. That is serious stuff!
Also, Cinderella has to clean a lot, and I don't like to clean.



Christine said...


Dragons in Our Midst &
Oracles of Fire
by Bryan Davis.
(Don't dis them till you've read them)

Good post tho, I agree with you, for the most part. =P

Katie said...

okeyy. I'll read them as soon as I finish the Lord of the Rings series (which I will start as soon as I finish the 5 Russian short story collections currently in my possession).

Aly Carter isn't half-bad either.
Nor is Lisa Klien, or Lisa Ann Sandell (Song of the Sparrow)

Christine said...

Nor is Francine Rivers. (If you categorize that as young adult fiction)

Katie said...

I <3 Francine Rivers!

she is not YA Fiction.