Monday, May 3, 2010


This is a rant.

Prepare yourselves.

1) Why, may I ask, do people use Facebook? To connect with friends, or maybe acquaintances. To learn more about (*coughfacebookstalkcough*) people they see but don't know so well. To keep in touch with people who ARE friends. Real friends.

2) Why, may I ask, do people add others as 'friends'? Well, see #1. Usually out of cordiality, curiosity, or camaraderie.

3) Why, may I ask, do people unadd others from their 'friends'? When I've done it in the past, it's been because of something offensive (i.e. language) or just as a cleanup of sorts. People I never see anymore and will probably never see again. then, why have I been serially unfriended by a certain clique? I see them semi-regularly, I have never posted anything offensive on my Facebook or anyone else's, and I never did anything to offend them personally... I don't think.

What is protocol, then? It puts me in an awfully awkward situation. Knowing that I have been defriended, that is. We aren't "tight" by any standards, but I didn't know there were bad feelings. Do I just walk up to them and ask why we're no longer 'friends'? Do I re-request them? Or do I sit on it and try to avoid them, knowing that something must have sparked this?

I repeat: we are not "tight." This is not impacting my life. I could move on. But I still see these people. I know I'm taking it all too personally... there might be other reasons for this... but I don't know what they are and I don't know how to react.



Andee said...

hmmmm... ugh, tough situation. my first reaction? confront them. say hey, what the heck? BUT if you could really care less about not getting facebook updates from them, why put yourself through the stress?
but then, you're not me. thank goodness--i dont think anybody could handle two of me. lol