I have now officially moved from Blogger to Wordpress. Wordpress is amazing. Blogger is good for my Optimism Initiative, but... well... sorry Blogger. You don't get veloquence anymore.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
a collection of verses
I have not been posting lately because I am in the process of transitioning this blog to another platform.
Posted by Katie at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Which do I choose?
My desires
Will I listen?
The bells rang soft
I did not come.
Towards the pity
This gripping sting.
The fear
Of then; of time
When turns to chaos.
The bells rang peace
I did not come.
And all will see
Such as this?
And self, composed
In twisted matrix.
The bells rang deep
I did not come.
My back to winds.
And soft
Is gone; no more;
I can't resist the flow.
The bells rang strong
I did not come.
One small child's voice
Through all the noisy space.
But she holds
And drags me in
Tempestuous time.
The bells rang future
I will come.
And the wrinkled hand of Yesterday
Lies limp, and silent; still.
Posted by Katie at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Day in the Life of a Guinea Pig
I should like to introduce you all to my school-life. So I should like to post for you an article I have written.
My school is a small, SMALL, classical school. Seriously, it is tiny. There are 63 students in the 7th-11th grades. That’s the Logic and Rhetoric stages… we don’t do “middle” and “high” school. They add on a new grade every year (starting with K-1st grades in 1999), and I am at the top!
There are 4.5 people in my class. There is me, the curly-haired eccentric; my other telepathic triplets, a.k.a. Amazingness and Princess; Sir Apathy, who is… apathetic; and the Televenth-Grader, who is in 11th grade but takes all 10th grade classes. Now that you are acquainted with my class, I shall acquaint you with my day.
7:30 a.m. Wake up. Stick hypothetical tongue out at public school students who are already in class. Silently thank Headmaster-who-realized-teenagers-need-more-sleep-than-kids. Hit the snooze button until…
7:48 a.m. Why is the “sleep” on the alarm in increments of nine minutes? That’s so random. The box advertises it as “convenient.” Hah. After thinking about this for several minutes, I jump out of bed and dress in my khakis (skirt or pants) and logo-ed polo. I then attempt to tame the bush on my head. I threaten it with weed clippers. I give up.
8:15 a.m. Do devotions. Eat breakfast. Check Facebook. Brush teeth. Pack backpack.
8:30 a.m. Realize I should leave. Kinda wish I could drive. Remember I still need 55 hours before I can get my license.
8:35 a.m. Stroll into homeroom and catch up with Princess. Both of her parents are teachers, so she is always there early.
8:40 a.m. Homeroom! We have homeroom divided by grade and gender. I have homeroom with the 9th-11th grade girls. We never do anything. Sometimes they take attendance.
8:48 a.m. AP Calculus. We’ll pretend it’s Friday. I have different classes every day, so it takes me about 3 weeks to memorize my schedule every semester.
I take Calc by myself… it’s just the teacher and me. He’s awesome. He is Princess’ dad. We usually spend 25% of the time talking about life and/or throwing sarcastic remarks back and forth with Amazingness, who teaches herself “Advanced Mathematics” in the same room. We spend the rest of the time on previous homework and new material. I love that class, for the most part. I’ve taken one test all year, but I’ve learned a lot.
This is a definite PRO of being a guinea pig.
10:10 a.m. Break. During break, I usually talk with my triplets or we all head downstairs to the dilapidated piano-thing. There I attempt to scratch out songs; Amazingness and I sing somethingorother; and Princess (who is also a ballerina) dances. Then I eat food. I have a doctor’s note.
10:20 a.m. Latin. RUN upstairs, because the teacher is not soft on tardiness. Did I mention that the Latin teacher is also the Calculus teacher is also the World History teacher is also the Greek teacher is also the guys’ Gym teacher? Yeah. Small school.
This is one of my favorite classes. Amazingness, Apathy, and I have already had 3-7 years of Latin, each. The teacher gives us some translation work then pretty much sets us loose, as long as we get it done.
After we’re finished, sometimes we play with our class pet, Oscar the Hamster (who has a Facebook fan page). More often, we all go slap-happy and have rambling conversations that go from a bird flying into the classroom window to Cookie Monster, within 7 steps. Documented.
We couldn’t be this free with a larger class. So, it is a PRO.
11:45 a.m. Lunch. Lunch is awesome. I sit with my triplets and our favorite tenth grader. We discuss things like theology, philosophy, and the love-that-is-Regina-Spektor. We are not normal teenage girls.
12:15 p.m. Junior Thesis. This is the class period in which we are supposed to work on our big 16-20 page paper. We choose the topics, we write the papers, we do the presentations, and some poor people have to grade them. I wrote mine about truth, goodness, and beauty in Russian literature. Our Senior Thesis will be something like 25-35 pages. Yay?
At least, that’s what we’re supposed to do. In reality, we organize our binders and do other homework. It’s really hard to work on a paper like that in school.
This paper is probably a CON, but for the school in general, not for being a guinea pig.
12:58 p.m. Bible (Doctrine). I love this class. The teacher is pretty strict, but he does a mean impression of Vizzini from The Princess Bride. We get awesome discussions, and he doesn’t really expect us to agree with him in everything.
This class is totally a PRO. You don’t get discussions like that with huge classes.
1:45 p.m. Break. Second break! What we do varies. Whatever we do we do together, because we go together like Switzerland, Mongols, and the Black Death. Thank you, AP World.
1:55 p.m. Teacher’s Aide. Princess and I grade papers for her mother or the Headmaster while Amazingness and Apathy take Spanish. Sometimes we laugh at silly spelling mistakes (who knew that “morph” is spelled “murf”?), but we’re not supposed to do that.
Teacher’s Aide is totally a PRO. It gets us out of Gym.
3:18 p.m. Dismissal. I catch a ride with somebody to the Grammar School campus. Grammar School = 2nd-6th grade. The PreK-1st graders also find their abode here.
3:45 p.m. Chorus. There are five of us, including two Grammar School-ers. I play the (very un-dilapidated) piano, and everybody sings some song. We usually have fun.
This is a CON. It is the sum total of all music programs for Upper School-ers, as we call ourselves.
4:30 p.m. Home! This is the best part of Fridays. I return to my house, change out of my uniform, put a hat on over the bush, and relax. Until I get to my homework… yeah. I actually DO homework on Fridays. Dork.
Recap. My day is full of edification and entertainment, writing and rambling, awesomeness and alliteration. I love being part of a small class. I suppose I would like more electives or choice in my class load, but what does that matter, really? I love the community. I love that my teachers are like family. It’s very writing-intensive and we get a lot of homework, but it is worth every bit. My school is 30% discussion, 40% independent work, 23.782% random, 6.218% lecture, and every bit of a family.
Posted by Katie at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
"Song Theology"
So I've overheard the TNMT attendees talking about their "film theology" ...things.
"Sometimes I'm really positive about religion, but, you know, sometimes I'm really sarcastic about it, too. Hey, that's God, that's life!"Listen to it a few times. Tell me what you think.
You know that statue
That statue of baby Jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
Last night I saw the owner kiss it
And whisper in its ear
I was walking home from Walgreen's
and he did not hear me see him
And on the
Very very next morning
All the subway cars were hallelu-leluing
Welcome back the baby king, the baby king
All the believers they were smiling
and winking at each other
I could honestly say I was scared for my life
They said, all the non-believers they get to eat dirt
And the believers get to spit on their graves...
You know that statue
That statue of baby Jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
They've been showing it on the news
It was thirty times its size
With a megaphone and a heart-shaped bruise
It was hovering in the skies
And all the
subway cars were hallelu-lelu-leluing, hallejuah
Welcome back the baby king, the baby king
All the believers they were smiling
and winking at each other
I could honestly say I was scared for my life
They said, all the non-believers they get to eat dirt
And the believers get to spit on their graves...
You know that statue
That statue of baby Jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
When I woke up I ran and bought it
and locked it in my closet
with a little bread and water
and a flashlight and a first aid kit til he grows
Posted by Katie at 2:49 PM 5 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
I give up.
2 Corinthians 3:5Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
liveblogging the junior thesis!
I am about to begin reading through my junior thesis. I have edited it and edited it. Now, after stepping back and creating the works cited/bibliography, I am actually going to read it all the way through. I want you to understand that I have NEVER done that. Not for any paper, ever. This is a milestone for me, guys... I'm getting choked up! (just kidding)
10:12- I am about to embark on a perilous, ne'er attempted journey. Wish me luck.
I am so lucky to have found that quote last summer. It was so random; I wasn't even thinking about the junior thesis.
10:13- David was right. Value=/=Beauty. Sigh. but it's so nicely alliterative. I couldn't think of that word. I had to google it. Alliterative, I mean. I'm tired.
10:15- I used "beauty" in every single sentence of the 2nd paragraph. sometimes twice.
10:16- taking out "however" in a sentence opener really makes the sentence seem more bold.
10:19- AAH!! I forgot to cite any of my internet sources! AAH!
10:30- I don't want to do this. My dad just offered to do it for me. I'm tempted.
I forgot to cite that poem. I don't feel like doing it now. I'm going to delete that sentence. *BWOOP!* done.
10:33- I ought to take my contacts out.
10:36- the way I look right now does not even deserve "death warmed over." It's a whole lot closer to "death defrosted."
I broke into my secret chocolate stash. David said this paper took him 3 hours to read, and I'll bet he was awake.
10:37- the sentence sounds like the action and motivation had lovely features. I meant to say the women who DROVE the action and motivation had lovely features.
10:39- what's the plural of "behalf"? Is it "behalves"? "behalfs"? "behaves"? lol
10:40- MSWord says that "in every regard" does not agree in number. I disagree.
10:44- that section lacks a concluding paragraph. Oh well. I don't want to write one.
10:48- so THERE, Megan! I only use "in a sense" TWICE in the paper. I don't know what you were talking about...
10:50- I am lying for the sake of understand-ability. Nastasya only goes to marry Rogozhin; she doesn't actually marry him. but it's close enough. she lives in his house, for Pete's sake. who is Pete, anyways?
10:54- wow, that part about Myshkin & Nastasya really is confusing, and unnecessary to boot. *delete*
10:55- I hope Mrs B doesn't remember that I copied and pasted like 4 pages of this from an essay I did for her last year.
10:57- I just realized how creepy the Aglaya situation is. Myshkin almost marries his second cousin once removed. Ew. That's like me marrying my dad's cousin. EW. What's weird is that my dad's cousin's girlfriend does look like me... lol
11:04- :) alliteration! "Karenin values simplicity, straightforwardness, and sensibility ... He is duty-driven and direct ..."
11:07- is the word "clearly" too subjective?
11:09- subheadings are a pain in the butt, but I couldn't live without them... too bad MLA websites do not clearly and unanimously specify how to do them.
11:13- after all these years, I cannot spell "exercising" right the first time.
11:23- Facebook break!
11:27- I am a bad girl. I'm not supposed to be on there today. I'm off now.
11:32- I do not like the beginning of my paper. I am liking the paper the further along I get. That isn't good.
11:38- I do not understand what that sentence means. is it bad, or am I just tired? who knows.
11:43- DONE!!! almost exactly 90 minutes after I began... half the time David took. Guess all those edits really did help :P
Posted by Katie at 11:40 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
To be, or not to be: there’s the issue:Katie
Is it more courageous to simply stand,
And deal with all the problems fate will bring,
Or is it better to actively defy
The troubles, ‘til we fight them to their end?
Oh, to die-- or to sleep, it’s all the same--
Just a sleep that ends every sorrow
And all distress that people each receive.
That would be something to wish and hope for.
Dying, sleeping… but with sleeping always
There comes dreaming. That’s the one catch,
For when we’ve shed our human blames and duties,
The dreams that come would be an awful worry.
That’s what makes us prolong the agony of life.
Think about it- who would choose to bear
The shame and hardship that comes with living here,
The leaders’ abuse of power, proud men’s insults,
The pain of love unreturned, useless governments,
The disrespect of superiors, and every snub
That saints must tolerate from evil people,
If it were so easy to find rest
As sleeping? Who would carry such horrible burdens,
Groaning and tiring under the weight of life,
If not for the fear of whatever is after death--
It’s unexplored terrain, and no one returns
From its place, and it makes us wonder.
That’s what compels us to deal with problems we know
Instead of changing to unfamiliar ones.
And so our minds will turn us all into cowards,
And so our natural resolve to act
Is overcast with clouds of thought and reason.
And urgent ventures are long delayed
Until they’re no longer actions at all.
Posted by Katie at 9:53 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
This merits a post in itself.
Posted by Katie at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: quote
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Horrible, Terrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
(Okay, so it wasn't THAT bad, but neither was it anywhere near good. And yes I feel like being a pessimist today... OKAY?!)
Posted by Katie at 8:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: bad, complaint, life, stream of consciousness
Sunday, May 9, 2010
So, today Mr Brian talked about seasons in the sermon.
- Oversleep- bad.
- Go to church- good.
- Realize forgot food- scary.
- See Christine- AMAZING.
- Get Philly Cheesesteak- yummm.
- Do History homework- ew.
- Argue with Dad because I don't want to drive- stressful.
- Go to Praise Service practice- intimidating?
- Realize have not eaten since lunch- shaking.
- Practice- fun.
- Still have not eaten since lunch- crying.
- Eat semi-freezer-burnt hotdog bun- yum?!
- Praise Service- awesome.
- Want dinner- hungry.
- Talk about books with David- diverting.
- Still want FOOD- impatient.
- Finally leave- hopeful.
- EAT- ecstatic!
- History homework- endless.
- Stressed- itchy.
- Finished- yayyy!
- Hungry again- lazy.
Posted by Katie at 11:54 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
So, how would schizophrenia impact you?
Posted by Katie at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: introvert
Monday, May 3, 2010
This is a rant.
It's interesting. I was doing some spring cleaning of my Facebook "Boxes" tab. I came to the "Honesty Box" app (people can anonymously answer questions like 'what do you really think of me?') and I found this:

Posted by Katie at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Things You Can Learn From Cleaning Your Room
Today I have dedicated myself entirely to cleaning. Maybe some homework, but mostly cleaning.
I spent the better part of the day on my bedroom. Some parts of it have not been cleaned for years, like my desk.
Things you learn cleaning your room:
- You really are an introvert. 2 hours straight shut up in your room and you hardly notice :P
- Textured paper towels work much better for dusting than tissues.
- Always dust the top shelves before the bottom ones. Always.
- You got really cute birthday cards from your friends when you were in elementary school.
- Never post videos of yourself singing on your blog, or else your cleaning will be interrupted by your mother (who wants to send said video to your relatives).
- You need a better way to organize... everything.
- And all this time... that's where 95% of your single socks and pencils went!
- Velcro rollers stick to everything.
- That sparkly eyeshadow? Well, maybe there's a reason you haven't worn it since middle school. The stuff gets in your eyes and ITCHES!
- If you run out of time and/or motivation and you haven't finished, your room will look significantly worse than when you started.
Posted by Katie at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rantish. Young Adult Fiction.
I cannot read young adult fiction.
It is bad for me. You know why?
- It has awful writing in general that is wayyy below my standard/what I should be reading.
- The content is just not helpful. Seriously?
- All of the books have the same plot.
- They are either about teens who have magical powers and/or enemies with magical powers, or they are about teens with "average" lives but absolutely ridiculous circumstances.
- An AP Lit student reading the majority of YA Fiction is like a vegetarian eating this.
- Every time I try to read YA Fiction, I end up wondering why my life is not like the protagonist's.
- Why I don't have my Cinderella moment.
- Why I don't have a boyfriend.
- Why I don't show up to a social event, looking way too pretty for my own good despite not spending any time at all on my hair.
- Why; halfway through the night when I am depressed, alone, and not expecting it; that one guy who is way out of my league doesn't come up to me and confess his love to me.
Posted by Katie at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Posted by Katie at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Well. Today, we (the whole school) were chastised for being inconsiderate. As a result, we all have to write a 250-word, 3-paragraph essay explaining how we are inconsiderate and how we can fix it.
(A Poem)
Once upon another time,
On land quite close to here,
An attitude was rampant;
‘Twas like poison in the ear.
Not a person truly cared
For others and their needs.
This gave way to rudeness
And most inconsid’rate deeds.
Not to be a hypocrite,
I must confess that I
Am not the least of these, oh no-
Now, let me tell you why.
Sometimes I am not so prompt,
And on purpose that.
I figure that the mark is mine,
Thus acting like a brat.
You see: the strain is not my own--
I am disrupting class.
The teacher must feel slighted
When we come in late en masse.
Also, here in school, I find
That I can talk too much,
Espec’lly when it’s not allowed…
All things we discuss.
That’s not to mention what I say
When we do converse.
I do say quite thoughtless things--
And that part is worse.
I have a tendency to be
Quite direct and snide.
However, this gets really bad
When influenced by pride.
At home I do the same, ‘tis true;
Unfortunately so.
Also, I don’t tell my parents
All they need to know.
They like to be aware when I
Come home from being out.
However, often I do have
Better things to think about.
And so, I simply just forget
To alert my fam’ly then
And go right on to Facebook--
Inconsiderate again!
All in all, my problem lies
In my communication.
I need to be more diligent
In interpers’nal relation.
Added to that one concern
Of a timely arrival,
With it all I am assured
A considerate survival.
I know not the issues
That my fellow students face.
I know not the sins
That make them all red in the face.
However, I do understand
The root cause of it all:
A thoughtless, selfish attitude
Where others seem so small.
When we accept that people are
Worth just as much as we,
Our actions and our thoughts
Will much better be.
Posted by Katie at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tulips are pretty. Tuips are not.
I just spent 3.5 hours reading and writing about Limited Atonement.
- Total Depravity
- Unconditional Election
- Limited Atonement
- Irresistible Grace
- Perseverance of the Saints.
Jesus died only for the elect. Though Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient for all, it was not efficacious for all. Jesus only bore the sins of the elect. Support for this position is drawn from such scriptures as Matt. 26:28 where Jesus died for ‘many'; John 10:11, 15 which say that Jesus died for the sheep (not the goats, per Matt. 25:32-33); John 17:9 where Jesus in prayer interceded for the ones given Him, not those of the entire world; Acts 20:28 and Eph. 5:25-27 which state that the Church was purchased by Christ, not all people; and Isaiah 53:12 which is a prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion where he would bore the sins of many (not all).
Posted by Katie at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Okay. So. Apologies.
Posted by Katie at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: sorry
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tips for the Conversationally Impaired
So, last night (*ahem* this morning) when I was really really awake and couldn't think of sleeping except for the fact that it was almost 2 AM... I decided to write a song.
"Better Unsaid"I get that I'm a skinny sprout-That doesn't mean we must talk aboutMinutia of my physical appearance.And sure, I might be kind of smart,But we don't need to pull apartThis groundwork of my pitiful existence.And now I say, I cannot take this!There's something that's awfully amiss.And so I hope you understandMy ranting, raving, crazed demands--Please, oh, please.There's lots of stuff out there that's trueThat you don't need to say!Remember decency, oh, do--'Cause you're driving me crazy...And before I shoot myself in the headRemember:Some things are better left unsaid.I think there is one golden ruleTo keeping conversations cool:Think before you even start to talk.Just because a thing is true,It doesn't mean it will help youOr me-- please don't persist or I shall squawk!And now I say, I cannot take this!There's something that's awfully amiss.And so I hope you understandThe message of an imaginary band--Please, oh, please.There's lots of stuff out there that's trueThat you don't need to say!Remember decency, oh, do--'Cause you're driving me crazy...And before I shoot myself in the headRemember:Some things are better left unsaid.And this is my song.Because so many things go wrongWhen you say weird things for way too longAnd my feelings on this topic are very very strong...So please, oh, please.There's lots of stuff out there that's trueThat you don't need to say!Remember decency, oh, do--'Cause you're driving me crazy...And before I shoot myself in the headRemember:Some things are better left unsaid.
Posted by Katie at 7:07 PM 3 comments
Labels: instruction, song, write
Monday, April 5, 2010
Isn't it a wonderful thing?
Posted by Katie at 10:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: important, procrastinate
Sunday, April 4, 2010
smartie pants.
that's me!
Posted by Katie at 3:05 PM 1 comments
Labels: complaint, procrastinate
Saturday, April 3, 2010
So maybe I'm addicted to blogging (how many am I writing for now? like 4?), but I like this one.
Posted by Katie at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: info